Week 1

I am sitting in my living room tonight, breathing in another thunder storm, reveling in another day, and I decided to write down what I've learned during the first week of this experiment. I think I will do it every week, because it is lovely to see each of these simple truths all in the same place:

God is light, and He cannot be overcome.

I can bear witness to the light.

I am a child of God.

God is with us.

Who am I not?

Something about reading these all straight through brings me home - a home I've been waiting for for so long, now. I am not God, but I can bear witness to Him, and He is light. He will never leave, and I am his child. He is my home, and He is healing my soul.

I do not know if this experiment will mean anything to anyone else, but it already means the world to me.




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