Week 4


I backpacked around the Dingle Peninsula of Ireland about two years ago with some college friends. We pitched tents on golf courses and stayed in hostels and climbed a mountain, but unlike my trip to Paris, the importance of that trip did not become clear to me until months, even years, later. In fact, most of the time I forget about this formative experience. But it formed me nonetheless.

That's how I feel about these truths this week. I'm tired and right now I'm not sure why this matters. It feels a bit like packing up my backpack every morning and walking 13 miles just to find another place to pitch my tent. But I said I would write 30 minutes a day, and I set a goal to study the Bible using a method that integrates itself into my thoughts, and so whether or not I remember climbing this mountain, I know it will change the way I view my life. I know this is important - even when it feels mundane. 

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