Thoughts On: John 4:46-54

So he came again to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine.

John 4:46a, ESV

I think turning water into wine probably stole the show. I think Jesus probably could have stopped there, and everyone would have remembered him. I think he could have dropped the mic, I think he could have left it all on the floor and gone onto other cities for good. And I think we believe that lie every day, that the story is over. That this is the last time.

I think we believe it about ourselves, but mostly I think we believe it about God. That His grace will run out this time. That the miracles have dried up after the last big event. That God won't show up again. And I think this is what keeps driving me back to sin, and to anger, and to bitterness and to momentary relief: God won't come back this time. 

But even here, even before he dies and is buried and comes back to life again, even when he is still in human flesh and bone, he shows up again. He came again. Jesus had no need to prove himself - He gave out of his overflowing grace and goodness and out of the fact that He was God incarnate. He gave because he loved, and His love never ends. That's the truth:

Jesus keeps showing up.

He keeps coming back. He comes back into our mess, he comes back into our fear, he comes back into our sleepless nights and our lack of belief and our heartless thoughts. He comes back and he works more miracles, he saves more lives. Jesus never leaves us without a miracle, just like he didn't leave Cana with only a few extra glasses of wine. Jesus doesn't retire. 

Again, and again, and again he shows up. I pray for a heart that keeps believing it. 


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