Weeks 8 & 9

The truths:

Jesus heals in unexpected ways.

God wants to heal our souls.

Christ has the authority.

All glory comes from God.

All Scripture points to Christ.

The last few days have been the kind that make you realize you're living in the good old days. I noticed all the little things - the moments that I know in ten years I will look back on with gratitude and joy. I've mixed up paint with my bare hands, laughed with 13-year-olds and baked cookies with new friends. I watched as luminaries floated through the sky on the first crisp night of the season, I found new favorite songs and I laughed with coworkers while sipping on my first pumpkin spice latte of fall. All of those things are what these truths felt like these past two weeks: fresh and hopeful and settled, like I'm finally grounded in a way I've always wanted to be. These truths are about contentment and peace, gentleness and joy. These truths are about Jesus Christ. 

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